Welcome to Suna Capital LLC



Discount Loan Payoff:
We offer homeowners an opportunity to pay off their loan without incurring the additional late fees and penalties that have been added. This offer is valid for a specific number of days which is mentioned in your payoff option letter.  If you would like to pay off your loan in full and take advantage of this discounted payoff, please Contact Us immediately.

Monthly Payment Plan:
The financial setback you’re facing could be temporary.  You can start to re-perform on your loan we could work out a monthly payment plan.  Call us to discuss further about this opportunity.

Reinstatement of Loan:
You will be receiving your reinstatement amount in the mail shortly. If you are able to bring your loan current, please call and let us know your intentions.

Forbearance Agreement: 
If you are unable to fully reinstate your loan, we may be able to set up a payment plan that would allow you to keep your home. This plan would typically spread your reinstatement amount over a 90 to 120 days period. The details of the option are worked out in a way that is manageable to you. To discuss this option further, please call us immediately.

Loan Modification: 
Once you start performing on your Forbearance Plan, we will evaluate your case for Loan Modification program.  This modification plan would typically extend your repayment period.  In many situations, the monthly payment and interest rate would be fixed but the length of the payment may change.  Please call us to discuss further about this option.

Refinance Program:
If you would like to keep your home and you have the financial means and good credit score, we may be able to assist you in securing a refinance. To do so, however, you will need to reinstate your loan and make payments for at least six to twelve consecutive months.  Please understand that any missed payment during this critical time will seriously jeopardize the possibility of refinancing.

Sale Assistance Program:
We have designed a homeowner sale assistance program to help those who choose to avoid foreclosure and want to obtain the equity earned in their property. To qualify, you will need to make payments starting immediately. In the event you are unable to do so, you may still qualify for this program by signing the property over to us.  We will then take on the responsibility of selling your home on your behalf and providing you with the proceeds (the equity you’ve earned).

Deed-in-lieu of Foreclosure:
If you are no longer interested in keeping your property and would like to avoid foreclosure you may sign over the deed to us.  By doing so, you will be able to save your credit score, judgments, liens on other assets and avoid unnecessary financial stress altogether.

Fresh Start Program:
We also provide a fresh start program by providing homeowners with “Cash for Keys”. If you are unable to make payments and have no interest in retaining the property, you have the option of surrendering it to us to handle on your behalf. We will provide you with a portion of the equity in the property up front as a means to make a fresh start and move on from you current situation. Please note that this program is only available on the condition that there is equity in the property.

Homeowners – Please Contact Us for further information.  

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